Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Condition

I just finished this book last night and I loved it. The characters in this book feel real, and at times I just wanted to pick up the mother and shake her. The father too, but for different reasons. It made these characters real for me, since I tend to feel that way about many people. I try to fathom what each of these characters is going through/goes through and I just can't do it. I know that the way I am writing this is completely vague, but I can't find the words to say how I feel about this book. I loved it and I looked forward to it every night. I definitely recommend it, but I can't really tell you why.

Monday, December 07, 2009

We bought this book on the outskirts of Rainier National Park this summer in Washington, and I completely forgot about it until mom brought it home from work. I like to read novels, and books of stories don't usually interest me, but this has some really funny stories in it. I suggest to those who enjoy camping, once enjoyed camping, or enjoy hearing about the misfortune/lack of brain cells in other people. The situations, like getting trapped in a boat with an angry rattlesnake, make for amusing stories to put a smile on your face.